Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Bakumpai or Dayak

Bakumpai or Dayak tribe Bakumpai is Ngaju Dayak sub-ethnic family that inhabit the watershed along the banks of the Barito in South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan is the city Marabahan, Barito Kuala until city Puruk Cahu, Joyless Kingdom. Bakumpai tribe originated upstream of the former District Bakumpai while downstream is the settlement of Barangas (Baraki). The north (upstream) from the territory of the former District is a region Bakumpai Mangkatip District (Mengkatib) is the settlement of Dayak Dayak Tribe Bara He or Mangkatip. Ethnic or tribal Bakumpai Mangkatip Ngaju Dayak tribe descended from the Land Dayak.

According to the site "Joshua Project" Bakumpai tribe numbered 41,000 inhabitants.
Bakumpai tribal populations in South Kalimantan on the 2000 population census by the Central Statistics Agency amounted to 20,609 souls. In South Kalimantan, the largest tribe Bakumpai contained in the district of Barito Kuala some 18,892 people (year 2000).
District contained tribe Bakumpai:
* Barito Kuala (sub Bakumpai, Tabukan and Kuripan)* South Barito* North Barito* Joyless Kingdom* Katingan, in the form of enclave* Some Bakumpai tribe migrated from upstream toward the headwaters of the Barito river Mahakam, namely to Long Iram, West Kutai, East Kalimantan.
Almost the whole tribe Bakumpai Muslim and relatively invisible as in most religious ethnic Dayak tribe (Kaharingan). Traditional ceremonies associated with the remnants of the old beliefs, such as ritual "Badewa" and "Manyanggar Lebu."
According Tjilik Riwut, the Dayak tribe Bakumpai a family that belonged to the tribe (small) Ngaju Dayak. Ngaju Dayak tribe is one of 4 small tribe part of a large tribe (family), which is also called Dayak Ngaju (Ot Danum).
Perhaps those that call this tribe clump clump called Ot Danum Dayak. Naming can also be used, because, according Tjilik Riwut, Ngaju Dayak tribes are the descendants of the Ot Danum Dayak who live or come from upstream rivers located in this region, but has experienced a change of language. So spare Ot Danum is the parent tribe, but tribal Dayak Ngaju is the dominant tribe in the region.

Genealogy Bakumpai tribe;
Dayak tribe (ethnic origin), divided into a large tribe (family):
* Sea Dayak (Iban)* Land Dayak* Dayak Apo Kayan / Kenyah-Bahau* Dayak Murut* Dayak Ngaju / Ot Danum, divided into four small tribes:o Dayak Maanyano Dayak Lawangano Dayak Dusuno Dayak Ngaju, divided into several ethnic kinship:+ Dayak Bakumpai+ Etc.
Comparative ethnic relations Bakumpai with Ngaju Dayak tribes, such as relations with the Javanese Tengger tribe. The Dayak tribe Ngaju is the host for the tribe Bakumpai.
Population Ethnic Groups Bakumpai
Bakumpai tribal population is estimated as follows:
* 20,609 in the province of South Kalimantan (BPS - census yr. 2000)* 20,000 in the Central Kalimantan province* 1,000 in East Kalimantan (Long Iram, West Kutai)
Based on the 2000 population census by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Bakumpai tribal populations in South Kalimantan totaled 20,609 people, which is distributed in several districts and cities, namely:
* 32 people in the district of Tanah Laut* 397 people in the New Town district (including the Land of Spices)* 34 people in district Banjar* 18,892 people in the district of Barito Kuala* 12 people in the district Tapin* 3 people in the district of Upper South River* 23 lives in the district of Upper Middle River* 42 people in the district of Upper North River (including Balangan)* 41 people in the district Tabalong* 1048 people in the city of Banjarmasin* 85 people in the city Banjarbaru

LIKE what their lives?Area of residence is Bakumpai crossed by many rivers. Therefore the Bakumpai develop technology for water transportation. They usually rice farmers because of the rising and falling tides. Another job is un-irrigated rice cultivation, fishing in rivers, trade, and household appliance production. Although Bakumpai considered part of a larger group of Dayak tribes, their social life and culture is more influenced by the culture of Banjar. In the past, when Banjarmasin region still ruled by the Hindu kingdom, the social system is influenced by the caste system in accordance with Hindu religion. Kinship system of Bakumpai also similar to the bilateral system of Banjar. Together with husband, wife also exercises an important role in the nuclear family. Bakumpai Traditionally, newly married couples are free to choose their residence. They may choose to live with relatives of the husband, with your wife, or separately in their own homes. The inheritance system tended to be implemented in accordance with the rules of Islam.
What do they believe?Generally, Bakumpai are followers of Islam. Islamic influence can be seen in almost every aspect of their lives. Islamic influence is clear in their social systems, large family relationships, and even in their artistic efforts. Marabahan area, central area of residence Bakumpai, has produced many famous Islamic teachers who have spread the religion of Islam as far as the source of the Barito River.
What are their needs?At this time Bakumpai technology needs improvement of agricultural methods to facilitate the development of their marshy land. Until now, their irrigation system for paddy fields is totally dependent on the rising and falling tide, either from sea or from the branches of the Barito River. They do not yet have an adequate irrigation system for all their needs and reliable. In order to improve health services for the community, Bakumpai also need more medical attention, clinics, and medical personnel. In addition, the development of their transport fleet along the river and improving the skills of their works will greatly help in increasing their income.

Text source: Copyright © PJRN - Indonesian National Research Network. Used with permission.

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